The best programs are the programs that help people.
We all have problems from time to time whether resulting from personal issues, everyday stress, or just the circumstances of being human. Helpers and community leaders are often too busy tending to the troubles of others to acknowledge our own needs. Specialized help available for members of the judiciary.A specialized assistance program has been serving the legal profession in New Jersey for more than 25 years. The original program mandate was expanded to cover emotional and other personal problems That expansion created a specific helping hand for judges, including offsite counseling and a special help line.Your Judges’ Assistance resource is designed for ease of access, utmost confidentiality, and guidance to the most effective, economic and convenient helping resource. Participation in Judges’ Assistance is free. Help from other professionals may be covered by your health benefit package or through personal arrangement.
For more information, contact us at 877- 655-8343 or send us a confidential, non-urgent email, below.
We all have problems from time to time whether resulting from personal issues, everyday stress, or just the circumstances of being human. Helpers and community leaders are often too busy tending to the troubles of others to acknowledge our own needs. Specialized help available for members of the judiciary.A specialized assistance program has been serving the legal profession in New Jersey for more than 25 years. The original program mandate was expanded to cover emotional and other personal problems That expansion created a specific helping hand for judges, including offsite counseling and a special help line.Your Judges’ Assistance resource is designed for ease of access, utmost confidentiality, and guidance to the most effective, economic and convenient helping resource. Participation in Judges’ Assistance is free. Help from other professionals may be covered by your health benefit package or through personal arrangement.
For more information, contact us at 877- 655-8343 or send us a confidential, non-urgent email, below.